woensdag 19 januari 2011

Cancer: Friend or Foe

Original Artical. In Dutch by Siegfried Bok                                   

Is kanker een vriend of een vijand ?
Cancer:  Friend or Foe ?

Starting with this headline, I can only say: I don’t know.
In cancer I can see a friend as well as an enemy, but for most people cancer is a frightening enemy to fight against with fire (radiotherapy) and sword (surgery).

Isn’t there the saying “thinking is creating imaginary enemies”?
So aren’t we fighting our own enemy?
Is it a coincidence that, by searching for the cause of our suffering , I found out “thinking” is the cause of illness in general and of cancer in particular ?

Is there a relationship between cancer and grousing ?
It seems to me there is.
When do people start to grouse ?
People start to grouse when they are dissatisfied and have experienced that measures from the authorities won’t be taken.
Just like children who grouse at their parent when they don’t get their way.
Just like we grouse at the welfare-state knowing the authorities won’t listen to us and will continue on their chosen path.

Few people know cancer has to do with internal recycling of  waste, from the metabolism of cells.
This proved to be the essence of the growth rate of those cells.
The recycling starts when the waste in our body accumulates to near fatal proportions.
This means that cancer is not an enemy, but really a friend that our life stretches in stead of shortens.

Isn’t this a very peculiar conclusion?
But it is the spitting image of the outside society where we, out of need, have started to recycle too.
Even fewer people realize that our form of society is a concoction of well-thinking grouser-minds
And that the invasion of Iraq is just a metastasis of well-fed western “cancercells”.
By that it is identical to the cancer cell, which gets even more well-fed by metastasizing.
This is why economists say: “the economy is only healthy when growing” .
Cancerspecialists call this “progressive differentiation” meaning the cancercell gets less specialized.
I other words: more metastasis means more rich-fed cancercells.
So the rich become richer and the poor become emaciated.
That is why any form of help from the “cancer”  to poor countries is counterproductive. Appearances are deceiving. It is self interest and nothing more.

In the world of today this is called “the lie reigns”. But in fact we honor the super-wellthinkers with status and money because we also adore wealth.
There is also the other side of the medal!
If the cancer does not become richer and won’t metastisize, the body as a society, will collapse like a pudding .
The cancercells take over the fuctions of emaciated organs (from recycling waste).

This way humanity and its cancerous society has become a plague time and again and has eaten its territory bare like grasshoppers.
That we, having become a worldwide community, are doing the same is easy to see.
It is the old inheritance in respect of all cycles, which are equal and everything happens simultaneously. We are therefore in the larger cycle,  the cancer in relation to nature.

In the story of cyclical illness-waves in cultures, I left out this exorbitant growth of the human population first for simplicity.
In ancient cultures this bare-eating of the earth by humans was a local happening. Examples of this are Iraq and Iran.
And, in those days expanding to the west was an option. And new cultures arose.
But where can we expand to nowadays?

Isn't it amazing how the old knowledge/wisdom left us with: : when West meets East again in the West life comes to an end".
 Almost nobody knows life begins with turbulant cellgrowth.
I am not speaking of uncontrolled growth because nothing in the cosmos is uncontrolled. It's the same with cancer.
But cancerspecialists would call this cellgrowth uncontrolled.
That's the way it goes in nature and in pregnancy this happens at the moment the sperm and egg merge together.
I'm afraid that practically nobody knows we owe our life on this planet to a kind of cancerprocess with one distinctive mark: recycling.
In other words: without cancer there would not be evolution of life.

Because in fact we are recycled dust, as being the waste of star-metabolism. This dust, of what we were born from, got the appropriate name The Milky-Way.

 In "The Magic Of Cancer" the mystique surrounding the disease cancer will be unraveled as part of a wave of diseases. This wave reveales itself cyclically every star-time to humanity and so history will be repeated till the end of time.
Therefor it is a predictable process being a more or less logarithmic cycle: first: bacterial epidemic, then various organ-diseases, artherosclerosis, cancer and finally AIDS. 

It is true many "cancer-virusses" are being discovered nowadays and also that those virusses cause the cell to "mutate".
But !
had those virusses not helped with this mutation-process the cell would not have been able to start recycling and death would have occured sooner.
In other words: what are those cancerspecialists doing?

The cancerprocess in society ushers in the end of a culture. 
This cycle of suffering, ending in a all-destructing war, logically falls together with the think-evolution. This is called a spirit-of-the-age-phenomenon.
The fact that we are grousing and are helping / aidsing is  present the spirit-of-the-age-phenomenon.
This aidsing with all our controlling-techniques of diseases has let the human plague grow higher than ever and is totally emaciating the earth.

That we live in a wellfare state, is in fact nothing less than aidsing.
In the old wisdom this is called the second childhood of a culture.
This falls together with another strange phase called "positive thinking". But this is probably because we are taken care of from the cradle to the grave.
We have no worries for the day of tomorrow, living the luxery of being a cancercell ?   

How this positive thinking emaciates the genes, and we had to start manipulate there as well, is just one of thousands of examples of how we are getting ourselves deeper and deeper in trouble.
Once this was known in all finesse.
Understanding these cosmic cycles and the spirit-of-the-time-changes it makes it easy to predict the holy war between East (yin) and West (yang), which will be our last world war.
We can see this fight between Yin and Yang in our own society as a smaller cycle with the name "the power of nothing against the power of  something".
Yet again : "everything so great so small".
This is just an introduction about the origin of cancer.
For now there is enough 'food for thought' before we expose this alledged enemy.
After that life on planets as being a cosmic cancerprocess will be explained. This serves, just like cancer in the body or society, to stretch the life of our part of the universe.
And, after this cosmic process is over, the life of this part of the universe will dissappear and it will fall together in a Big Crunch.

I already explained some of this in the light of "mother Earth's pregnancy. Only from a differnet perspective and/or comparising with the many other cycles which are all equal.
I could have just as well used other cycles for comparing, like the Krebs cycle or the electron circling its core.
Everything is in everything eachothers equal. And if you fully understand one cycle you can see other cycles and even predict them.
This is what the Book, written in equations is. The whole Bible is about leaping from one cycle to the next so we would continue searching till the end of time. Searching for something that is already stored in our "knowing-brain".
We are nothing more than recycled dust from star-metabolism, which by the laws of Einstein,  bundles itself into the so-called milky-way and/or the the source of life.
The bible says we would grow into the perfection of recycling..and so we did.
Soon we will burn in the Milky-Way again and therefore turn to dust again. It is the circle of life.
Finally, may I ask you
To you, is cancer a friend or a foe ?
I owe you the answer

1 opmerking:

  1. Beste Cindy,
    Allereerst dank ...dank ... en nog eens dank.
    It's looking very professional.
    Onderwijl ben ik spelende op een website van een vriend, die zich met allerhande wetenschappelijke aanwijzingen over het opgang komen van de baring van Moeder aarde bezig houdt.
    Er zijn vele vreemde dingen in de kosmos gaande.
    hier linkje http://www.vkblog.nl/bericht/365777/Een_2e_zon_%3F
    Ik zal je hierbij vertellen dat kanker echt een vriend is, want ... de kosmologen zijn in rep en roer door de mogelijke komst van een tweede zon.

    Als reactie op dit artikel kon ik niet anders dan reageren met...
    "Voor mij is je zoektocht in het heden [NASA] en het verleden [Orion en Betelgeuse] echt heel bijzonder.
    Ik ben ook de mening toegedaan dat Orion zeer wel ''het Zwarte Gat'' zelve kan zijn.
    Het kan ook heel wel dat dit Zwarte Gat nu al aan het ''bevallen'' is en/of al persweeën heeft.
    Onze visie en begrippen van tijd zijn daar totaal ontoerijkend voor.
    Is niet alles al lang geleden gebeurt wat wij nu in de kosmos waarnemen?

    Als ik de Yinne golven vanuit de kosmos hier op aarde zie die onze sterretijd-cycli en zijn invloeden op de evolutie totaal hebben gestuurd zou het me niet verbazen als het leven op deze planeet tot stand is gekomen en/of is ontstaan door de beginnende weeen-activiteit van het Zwarte Gat.

    There is absolutely no place for imperfection in the whole story.... behalve natuurlijk onze kleinzielige gedachten."

